Skin Prick Testing (SPT)

Allergic disease diagnosis.

What is an allergy skin prick test?

Your allergy specialist may advise that you have a skin prick test to help identify your allergies. A nurse typically performs this test.

The skin prick test involves placing small amounts of substances (allergens) that may be causing your symptoms on the skin; most often on the forearm, upper arm, or back.

There are several medications that need to be avoided prior to performing the test. Please check if you are taking one of these medications by visiting our Medication Advice page prior to proceeding with skin prick testing.

What’s involved with a skin prick test?

  • Your arms are marked with a pen, with identifying numbers.
  • A drop of allergen (e.g. grass pollens, cat, dust mites, etc.) is placed next to each number.
  • A tiny flick with a lancet (not even as painful as a pin prick!) allows the allergen just under the top layer of your skin.
  • After about 10-15 minutes your skin may have reacted to some of the allergens. This reaction will cause a small area of redness and itchiness.
  • These reactive areas are measured and soothing cream is applied.
  • The patient then returns to see the doctor for assessment.

Take back control – start your journey today.

We are a leading paediatric and adult Allergy, Immunology and Immunopathology group with clinics in the Sydney CBD and Westmead.

Our specialists hold sub-specialised qualifications in allergy and immunology, and pathology, and offer significant clinical experience.

If you have a question about a condition or treatment, or would like to book an appointment, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.