She completed physician training at Concord Repatriation General Hospital, followed by specialist Immunology training through the Sydney Central Immunology Network.
She is a staff specialist at Campbelltown Hospital, where she is involved in clinical research in allergic and autoimmune disease. She manages adults with allergic disease, autoimmunity and immunodeficiency, as well as children over the age of 12 months with allergic disease.
李医生毕业于新南威尔士大学医学系,并获得大学荣誉奖章。她在Concord协和医院完成了内科医生的培训。接下来在悉尼免疫中心接受了免疫学专科培训。 她现在是金宝(Campbelltown)医院的免疫专科医生,同时她参与过敏和自身免疫疾病的临床研究。她全面负责治疗和管理过敏,自身免疫,和免疫缺陷的成年病人以及12个月以上儿童的过敏疾病。 她对遗传性过敏疾病非常感兴趣,在先天性免疫,免疫抑制风险管理和药物分析方面都发表了论文。李医生可以说流利的国语(普通话)。